R86`s contest build - WWII Flashgrenade (Finished light in post #1 - Underground pictures and video)

Im glad my lack of skills are good for something. :D

Chapter 11 and 12 added to OP!

Bonus picture: Dirty AR lens and parts floating loose in the head.

I dub the the “FLŰGGÅƏNK∂€ČHIŒβØL∫ÊN” :smiley:

caution…this clip might be a bit ~ NSFW ~ (but you will understand the above)

Thats damn funny

Can’t be too far of being finished, da?

The back-to-back switches are great :slight_smile:

Whoa, very precise build. I finally get what you're doing. Pretty cool. That reflector work looks great. Best wishes on a successful completion.

Thanks buddy! Yeah.. Its kinda like an MPD light. ;)

[quote=FmC] Can't be too far of being finished, da? The back-to-back switches are great :) [/quote]

Thanks. Glad you like the setup.

Stay tuned for more updates. More chapters coming to a thread near you.. ... something like that..


Two more chapters in OP!

14 and 15

You have a real handle on this build now.

lol.. Yeah. Guess I have a handle on it.

Now I just need some help with my head... Ive heard about others on this forum with copper on their mind, so Im thing that might be a good solution for head problems.... Gotta get the wiring right too. In my case there is even more to be done with my the head. But you probably knew that.

Updated OP

Chapter 16-17

Arrgghhh - I’m sure you have a spare emitter lying around…. :zipper_mouth_face:

Damn. I hope I did not put the mozz on you. Its the driver I'm telling you. They have demons in them. Do you have any more led's? So so close. Theres still plenty of time.

There has been an update to OP and post #1. 0:)

Pictures and video!

I hope you all like what you see!


Wow - looks great!

Great photos, & awesome location - the video reminds me of playing the PC game STALKER.

:beer: :beer:

That video shows just what an orsm light you have built. With both sets of lights on there is nowhere to hide. Well done and thanks for the effort.

Great job RaceR.

Thanks... In the video you see one of the larger places that is technically closed. Not so large compared to some other properly closed off places.

Just needs to go through here and know the way to that place. ;)

Picture above was lit up with the flash grenade in flood only mode. Gotta love that! Lights up everything nicely with no spot. Feels like you have good indoor lighting in your hand. (One of the people I had with me when testing the light).

Some more shots from that day.

This room was the main reason that I got into flashlights. My first visit I brought an indancesent mini maglite. It could barely light up my feet in the large pitch black "room". Felt quite spooky then. These days I have lights that lights up everything despite all the darkness.

(Picture above was just a P60 sized light and long exposure of a person looking at stuff)

The beam capabilities in the flashgrenade really makes a massive difference in how creepy these places feel (and the fact that Ive been at that place 15++ times now). The flashgrenade is usable for all the close up places that you often and normally encounter, yet it can put out a lot of lumen down range in larger places. Normal flashlights with a spot are ok, but not that great close up. Aspheric zoom lights are not that great either IMO. You can see how the flood mode of the sipik compares to the flashgrenade in the beginning of the video as an example.

That is really what the flashgrenade is about. Making usable light.. As of today, im not aware of any lights that can compete with what it does, and the light quality it outputs. Especially considering its size. Anyone know of a production light that comes close? TK76 is the closest light I can think of, yet its far off.

Oh.. Ah few bonus shots from today.. Foggy in the early hours before the sun came appeared.

Sets the mood before going underground alone (Only done that twice. I brought a helmet)

Its nice having dark underground places to visit. Its just too bright outdoors this time of the year.

Thanks. I think the video gave a decent picture of how it behaves. I did a lot of mode changing to hopefully show the beam characteristics nicely. The camera was set to auto exposure, so its not any difference between using the flood emitters on medium or high when the camera adjusts for it. Its not a massive difference in real life either. I knew that from the graphs. So with somewhat limited heatsinking for the flood emitters I find it best to use those either on low or medium. Especially in combination with the "range emitters." For shorter bursts with flood only, its nice having high. That is useful when going in and out of tight bunkers in daylight. You only need close up light for a short time, then the light gets to cool down again.

It really is an awesome light flashgrenade. :) The worst thing about it will be that once Ill give it to the owner, I don't have any lights that can do what it does. And I want to have those features. "Ive got 99 lights but a multibeam tint mixed aint one of em."

Thanks Bucket! :)

Cool, awesome, wonderful, cool, cool, cool!

I love this light you created!
Very cool flashlight host, and awesome output.
Really well done!

Wonderful light. I sure see a lot of promise and potential in this tint mixing and mixing flood and throw. Wonderful creation. Thank you for showing it :-)